Author Archive for: Ildiko
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But we are proud to say that Ildiko contributed 24 entries already.
Entries by Ildiko
OEPass at the 2019 Annual Conference of EUA
/0 Comments/in Event, events/by IldikoThe European University Association (EUA) invited a representative of our sister initiative, the MicroHE project, to its Annual Conference in the Support to HE Reform Experts (SP-HERE) held in Prague on 12-13 December. This international event provides a major networking space for approximately 120 HE Reform Experts from 20+ Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood countries, and […]
Open Learning Recognition
/in Event, events, Multiplier Event, News/by IldikoAt the end of November of 2019, the sixth Multiplier Event of the OEPass project entitled “Open Learning Recognition” took place at UNED, Madrid (Spain). The main purpose of the event was to disseminate the project results and discuss the following topics: volume, scope and types of open credentials offered by open educational providers; current […]
ICDE World Conference on Online Learning
/in Event, events, News/by IldikoThe 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning was organised by the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) and the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) at Dublin City University (DCU) in Dublin (Ireland) on 3-7 November 2019. The conference was titled “Transforming Lives and Societies“. The conference theme anchored the growth of […]
Lithuanian OEPass Multiplier Event
/in Event, events, Multiplier Event, News/by IldikoThe third official OEPass multiplier event was organised by the Lithuanian Distance and e-Learning Association on the 27th of September, 2019. There are 50 Lithuanian educational institutions (universities, colleges, adult learning centres, etc.) in the membership of the Association. The educators from these institutions were invited to participate in the event, leading to the attendance […]
OEPass at the EDEN 2019 Annual Conference
/in Event, News/by IldikoEDEN’s 28th Annual Conference, titled “Connecting through Educational Technology – to produce effective learning environments” was held on 16-19 June 2019, hosted by the VIVES University of Applied Sciences in Bruges (Belgium). New generation of learning technologies and networks are ubiquitous, embedded and mobile which reshape access to, and delivery of, learning. Cutting edge fields […]
Synergies at EDEN19
/in Event, News/by IldikoFerenc Tatrai, Senior Advisor of the consortium member EDEN, presented the OEPass project in the conference’s Synergy session, pointing out its natural synergy with its “twin” project MicroHE. As part of the OEPass project, the Learning Passport was also introduced. He emphasized that an improved version of the Learning Passport is ready for public testing […]
OEPass at the EURASHE 2019 Annual Conference
/in Event, events/by IldikoEmployers have increasingly been demanding transferable skills of our students, the ability to work in a team, creative thinking and problem solving; they’ve also asked Higher Education Institutions to provide new skills to retrain their staff. UAS have been reasonably good at providing these; yet the pace of change is increasing: new jobs demanding new […]
Studienstart Studienvorbereitung Mathematik Heilbronn
/in Learning Passport/by IldikoInformation about the awarding body Full name of the institution issuing the credential: Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg DHBW Accreditation of the institution:;jsessionid=C0018952B678DE2E475920F542927DFD?tid=80540&id=1017989&Bezugstyp=3&locale=en Website/URL: Information about the credential Official title of the credential: Studienstart Studienvorbereitung Mathematik Heilbronn Description of the credential: In the course of the online maths preparation, you will first […]
5th Consortium Meeting in Hungary
/in Consortium Meeting, Event, News/by IldikoOn the 15th of May the OEPass team met for the fifth consortium meeting in Budapest, hosted by our partner BME. In addition to the discussion about which further steps are to be taken within the outputs, the upcoming National Multiplier Events were the focus of this meeting. Each partner presented their plans and the […]
Open Education Passport – OEPass
Project Ref: 2017-1-DE01-KA203-003546
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.