Lithuanian Association of Distance and e-Learning – LieDM
Who are we?
LieDM association unites 50 Lithuanian education institutions, which implement distance education or blended learning, or focus on technology application in their educational activities. The priorities of LieDM activities focus on collaboration, openness and practice sharing on innovations, open curriculum and different IT solutions. LieDM member institutions organize joint events and trainings, participate in national and international projects, and share information on online or blended programmes, provided in different educational sectors. Association also fosters institutions to test different technologies and share their practices with member institutions.
Why we are participating in the project
First, open education and OER are some of the priority activities of the Association.
Second, the recognition of different learning activities, especially online learning, is the focus of LieDM member institutions, which organize formal learning.
By participating in OEPass project, LieDM association not only gains new knowledge on different open innovative learning models and experience on how to recognize it; but it also shares these ideas between member institutions in Lithuania, and has the possibility to contribute to creation and validation of missing learning recognition solutions for nowadays learners.
Our role in the project
LieDM association contributes to most of the project results by focusing on research in Lithuania, sharing experience of Lithuanian educational institutions, and reviewing project results from Lithuanian educational perspective. We are also responsible for contributing to project management by quality assurance and risk management. Being the network of Lithuanian educational institutions, we are responsible for sharing created project results via dissemination activities in Lithuania.
Our Team
Estela Dauksiene
Estela is the President of LieDM association since 2016. She has worked as a researcher and coordinator at various projects in the association and its member institutions, focusing her activities on innovation in education. Her research focus on technology application in education, open online learning, open educational resources and virtual mobility.
Vida Zviniene
Vida is the head of administration of LieDM association since 2016. She is mainly responsible on daily administrative and financial activities of the association and various projects. Her research and experience focus in videoconferencing tools, online course development, and OER.
Marius Sadauskas
Marius has an IT background and is a PhD student in Education, focusing on different technological solutions for education. He is an expert on OER application in formal education in Lithuania.