How to create a Learning Passport

As described in the project work plan, the OEPass Learning Passport was created by applying a composition formula for gained individual credits or modules, which are modelled on the European Diploma Supplement. It is important to highlight that when an institution is issuing an individual credential, they record information and data about:

  1. the awarding body, that is the institution giving the recognition of the achievement and not necessarily the institution offering the learning experience.
  2. the credential, a documented statement that acknowledges a person’s learning outcomes or achievements. The term credential can be used to refer to a qualification, that is an official completion of a course or programme of courses (e.g. any degree, diploma or other certificate issued by a competent authority attesting the successful completion of a higher education programme). The Learning Passport allows the detailed and transparent documentation of sub-units of such credentials, i.e. micro-, meso-, mini-, etc. credentials, that could accumulate into larger credentials or be part of a portfolio. Each credential, therefore, has a thoroughly documented credential type that can be a degree or diploma on the top level of qualifications or ECTS, ECVET on micro-level.
  3. the holder of the educational credential and their individual accomplishment (this includes data about the learner’s identity and the grade they achieved).
  4. the evidence of the achievement, both in terms of administration (i.e. publication date of the credential) and – optionally – outputs of the learning experience, such as published papers, essays, projects, etc., test results or links to public discussion fora.

Anybody is welcome to experiment with the Learning Passport and determine its usefulness by filling in the form below. The OEPass partnership also welcomes feedback on how well the Learning Passport facilitates the recognition and transferability of non-traditional learning experiences.

OEPass Learning Passport
If you would like to receive a copy of your filled in Learning Passport, please provide the address to which you would like it to be sent. Please note that your address will neither be displayed anywhere on the OEPass website nor be shared by third parties.

Information identifying the awarding body

Please note that this is the institution giving the recognition of the achievement and not necessarily the institution offering the learning experience.
Public Key the institution uses to identify itself and authenticate the credentials.
Address of institution
Maximum upload size: 134.22MB
This stamp/seal (often featuring the institution’s official logo) provides authentication of the awarding body.
Information related to the accreditation, quality assurance and regulation of the institution, the date when the accreditation was formally approved, the review- and/or expiry date and additional information about the accreditation and used standards in the assessment and quality assurance procedure.
See a German example here
The evidence (a public web document) of the currency/up-to-dateness of the institution’s accreditation. There can be only one particular web page (Here is a Finnish example from the Tampere University of Technology).

Information identifying the educational credential

This property refers to an (alternative) identifier of a qualification like a national code or any other unique code issued by some agency and/or system. This can be on any level: an international, national, regional, private or institutional level (e.g. the unique and persistent identifier of the qualification within the publishing system).
Learning outcomes are the specific intellectual and practical skills gained and tested by the successful completion of a unit, course or whole programme of study. They take the form of statements which indicate what a learner should have achieved in respect of both knowledge and skills at the end of a given course or programme.
Definition from EMPOWER glossary
This property can be indicated as free text or - if applicable - by providing the thematic area/subject code (ISCED-F code) of the learning experience.
If applicable, tick multiple boxes.
If applicable, tick multiple boxes.
The workload is the official duration of the learning experience in hours, weeks or years. This volume of learning includes information on any major sub-components i.e. practical training - in real hours (i.e. 60 minutes, as opposed to academic hours that are 45 minutes). Preferably, the workload should be expressed in terms of total student effort required, not just class attendance time.
What means of cheating prevention do you apply?
If applicable, tick multiple boxes.
If applicable, tick multiple boxes.
Tick both boxes, if applicable, leave blank, if level of learning is not specified.
Please provide a link, either external or on your institution's web site, where the national qualification framework is described (preferably in English).
Please specify the number of credit points assigned to the credential, if applicable.
Please provide a link to the evidence of accreditation, or information related to the accreditation, quality assurance and regulation of a credential, such as the agent that was primarily responsible for the accreditation.
Please provide and additional information about the accreditation and used standards in the assessment and quality assurance of the credential if relevant.
Please specify the homepage (a public web document) of a credential. There can be only one homepage corresponding to a specific credential (here is an illustrative example of a credential issues for a Lithuanian course titled “Innovations in Education”).

The credential can consist of...

Please provide both title and ID number of the credential component - the same way you did for the main credential -, e.g. specify a national code or any other unique code issued by some agency and/or system. This can be on any level: an international, national, regional, private or institutional level (e.g. the unique and persistent identifier of the qualification within the publishing system).

The credential can be a building block of...

Please provide both title and ID number of the larger credential of which this smaller item can be a component - the same way you did for the main credential -, e.g. specify a national code or any other unique code issued by some agency and/or system. This can be on any level: an international, national, regional, private or institutional level (e.g. the unique and persistent identifier of the qualification within the publishing system).

Information identifying the credential type

If your credential type was not listed earlier (i.e. it is not a degree, ECTS, etc.), it may not be widely enough recognised across Europe, therefore we advise you to complete this section.
The exact and official title of the credential-type/credit-system (like ECTS, ECVET, etc.) if available.
Short and abstract description about the credential-type/credit-system.
Describe the value of credit in terms of hours, certificates, accomplishments or other measure used for the credential-type/credit-system.
Which organization / consortium / law regulates who can issue this credential-type/credit-system (e.g. Finnish National Agency for Education)

Information identifying the holder of the educational credential and their accomplishment

We recommend that you check out what kinds of information and data we identified as necessary to enhance recognisability of your credential.
Provide a sample number if such code/key is available for all learners
Please specify the date on which the credential was officially awarded to its holder.
Please leave blank unless the credential only has validity for a restricted period of time.
Enter a number from 0 to 100
Enter a grade from the scale A+ to F-
Enter a grade from the scale 0 (fail) to 5 (excellent)
Enter a grade from the scale 1 (excellent) to 5 (fail)
Enter a grade from the scale 0 to 10
Please specify the number of credits awarded

Supplementary evidences

Public web documents containing additional documentation about the credential awarded to the learner, such as a diploma, a certificate supplement, or a published master's thesis, doctoral dissertation, project, etc.


Please provide a few more administrative details about the credential (the credential that can be issued to a learner, not one that has been already awarded to a person).
The date the credential was published and the meta-data about the credential was made available.
Date when the credential was last updated since it was published (please note that this information is not applicable if the credential has not changed).
If applicable, please record information about fine grained changes of the credential.
Feel free to provide any further information that you consider valuable for decision making about credential recognition.