Tiedonhallinta ja tietokannat (Data Management and Databases)
Information about the awarding body
Full name of the institution issuing the credential:
Tampere University
Accreditation of the institution:
The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council has conducted an audit of Tampere University of Technology
and awarded the university with a quality label that will be valid for six years from 25 March 2014. The quality
system of Tampere University of Technology fulfils the national criteria set for the quality management of
higher education institutions, and the system corresponds to the European quality assurance principles and
recommendations for higher education institutions
Website/URL: https://karvi.fi/publication/tampereen-teknillisen-yliopiston-auditointi-2014/
Information about the credential
Official title of the credential: Tiedonhallinta ja tietokannat (Data Management and Databases)
Description of the credential:
It is a part of the offering of Open University’s Master’s Degree Program in
Engineering, Leadership and Information Technology. Coressponds to 4
ECTS. It is possible to carry out distance learning independently with
online material
Subject: abc
Credential type: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)
Learning outcome description:
Translated from Finnish
Students know the importance of data warehouses, their usage patterns and
operations, know the basic concepts of data management and database technologies, can design and implement a small-scale relational database
solution, is able to perform basic database operations in the SQL language,
and can compile OLAP report analyzing business information.
Poro’s teaching offer, but it is also possible to carry out distance learning
independently with online material.
The course is a Multi Form Execution. The lectures are progressing in the
weekly assignments. Lectures are being videotaped and in addition, short
speculative ideas supporting the theory are used. The basics of Relationship
Model and SQL Language are studied as major online studies in the Viope
1. The role and significance of information management in
information systems
2. The relationship between defining customer requirements for
database design: concept analysis, class conversion to relational,
normalization, database determination.
3. Basics of data storage and processing: data independence, database
and information directory, data integrity, definition and processing
of data in SQL language
4. Database repositories and business intelligence analysis. Quality of
5. Database technology trends
Ways to acquire the credential:
Validation of formal learning
Grading Scheme: 0 (fail) to 5 (excellent) grade scale
Mode(s) of study: Online, Face to Face
Duration of learning: 108 Hours
Assessment method(s): Online assessment with ID verification, Onsite assessment with ID verification
Cheating prevention by:
Format(s) of assessment: Manual grading by instructor
What is being assessed: Written exam (testing knowledge and its application to theoretical scenarios), Problem based learning (testing practical problem solving skills)
Level of learning: level 7 on NQF https://www.oph.fi/mobility/qualifications_frameworks
Number of Credit Points: 4
Accreditation of the credential:
The course after preparation has to be approved by the programme
coordinator, Faculty Board, Dean and Steering committee and assessed for
course application for online studies.
Homepage of credential: https://www.tut.fi/opinto-opas/wwwoppaat/opas2017-2018/pori/aineryhmat/Ohjelmistotekniikka/PLA-32602.html
Information about the (test) credential holder
- Name: ABC XYZ
- Date of birth: 15-01-2003
- Student ID: 123456
Credential awarded to holder on: 01-04-2019
Grade achieved: 4
Credits awarded: 4
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