Data and Software Business
Information about the awarding body
Full name of the institution issuing the credential:
Tampere University
Accreditation of the institution:
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö, Suomi
Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
Kansallinen koulutuksen arviointikeskus (Karvi)
The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINEEC)
Information about the credential
Official title of the credential: Data and Software Business
Description of the credential:
5 ECTS (op)
• Consists of lectures, guest lectures, Individual exercise, course exercise + presentations in the final event
• Two main tasks:
• Individual exercise (40% of the final grade)
• Course exercise (60% of the final grade)
• Lecture recordings available through Moodle / Panopto
• Lectures online through Zoom
Subject: 061 – Information and Communication Technologies
Credential type: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)
Learning outcome description:
Basic principles of data and software business: Student understands the basic principles of data and software business, and the special characteristics of software industry
Identify opportunities: Look beyond the current and visualise what the future can bring to those with initiative.
Evaluate information: Make and defend judgements based on internal evidence and external criteria.
Business knowledge: A firm’s functions, the processes and tasks which are employed to accomplish those functions and the relationship of those functions, processes and tasks to each of the functions, processes and tasks performed throughout the firm.
Propose ICT solutions to business problems :Suggest how to solve business issues, using ICT means, so that business processes are improved.
Monetizing with data and software : He/she can critically analyse how it is possible to monetize with data and software
Think creatively: Generate new ideas or combine existing ones to develop innovative, novel solutions.
Collaboratively develop a data or software concept: He/she can analyze the feasibility of software business models. Student can apply theoretical knowledge and understanding of the data and software business characteristics to collaboratively create a solid lean canvas model for a software start-up.
Work in teams :Work confidently within a group with each doing their part in the service of the whole.
Interact with others: Engage with others face-to-face in a wide range of situations, using strategies appropriate to context and purpose.
Perform business analysis:Evaluate the condition of a business on its own and in relation to the competitive business domain, performing research, placing data in context of the business’ needs and determining areas of opportunity.
Business management principles: Principles governing business management methods such as strategy planning, methods of efficient production, people and resources coordination.
Ways to acquire the credential:
Validation of formal learning
Grading Scheme: 0 (fail) to 5 (excellent) grade scale
Mode(s) of study: Online, Face to Face, Full-time, Usually done as a combination of face to face and online
Duration of learning: 135 Hours
Assessment method(s): Online assessment with ID verification
Cheating prevention by: ID verification with secure login+password in LMS, URKUND Plagiarism Moodle plugin
Format(s) of assessment: Manual grading by instructor
What is being assessed: Learning diaries (testing reflection skills), Problem based learning (testing practical problem solving skills)
Level of learning: level on EQF and level 7 on NQF
Number of Credit Points: 5
Accreditation of the credential:
The course after preparation has to be approved by the programme coordinator, Faculty Board, Dean and Steering committee and assessed for course application for online studies.
Homepage of credential:
The credential can be a building block of:
Information about the (test) credential holder
- Name: Erik Erik
- Date of birth: 11-01-2000
- Student ID: H172568
Credential awarded to holder on: 09-11-2020
Grade achieved: 5
Credits awarded: 5
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